
Is an Acting Career Right for You?

3 Things to Do During the Writer’s Strike

Those working in the TV & Film Production industry in BC know all too well the Writers  Guild of America (WGA) strike is now in full swing and the resulting fallout is now  becoming apparent on this side of the border. What would normally be a robust spring  pilot season and busy summer shooting schedule in Vancouver, has become only a  handful of productions scheduled or in the works.  

And, while many people may be affected by the strike, none more so than actors,  whose only choice is to sit on the sidelines for the two sides to reach a compromise.  That doesn’t mean however that you can’t be using the downtime effectively and taking  advantage of the opportunity a slow down in productions presents. 

Get an Acting Tune Up 

When productions are booming there is little time between working your regular job, preparing  lines, making self tapes, attending auditions, working on set and just enjoying your life. If you’ve  been struggling to book roles this year, then make constructive use of this time to check in with  yourself and admit where you feel you are lacking in your skills. If you’ve only taking a couple of  beginner acting classes, then now is the perfect time to build upon those foundation classes. by taking an Scene Study or Audition class.

Maybe you’ve been auditioning a lot and are starting to feel a little run down by not landing  roles. Then look at this break in the productions as coming at just the right time. Maybe you  need to re-invigorate the energy you are putting into your auditions, exercise your acting muscle  exploring developing a character and planning out a scene. Get an Acting Tune up by jumping  into a class and look at it as an investment you are making in yourself, your career and your  mental health. 

Update your Professional Package 

If you’ve been fortunate enough to book some roles this year, maybe it’s time to update your  actor resume and demo reel. Alternatively, if you haven’t been booking, maybe it’s a good time  to get some new headshots or create some new demo clips of your acting to add to your reel  Make sure to book your headshots early since in-demand photographers can be booked for  weeks in advance. Also, take the time to go through your IMDB page, Instagram and Facebook  accounts to make sure the prism through which the world sees you is the way you want to be  viewed.  

Improve your Self-Tape Set Up 

The convenience of having actors send in self tapes was not lost on casting during the COVID  pandemic. While we are starting to see more in-person auditions taking place as of late, we can  expect the self-tape submission trend to continue for at least the next little while. Take a moment  to look at your set up and consider how it can be improved. Creating a little DIY project at home  to improve your lighting, background and soundproofing can go a long way in making your self tape presentation more impressive for those watching. 

Here is a link for  insightful information  about optional ways  to inexpensively  create or improve  your self-tape  

When it’s all over 

A prolonged Writer’s Strike is something nobody wants to see, so hopefully the two sides can  come to some sort of agreement; the sooner the better. On a positive note, when it is finally  over, a tidal wave of work will be coming down the pipe in BC with productions being schedule  fast and furiously. This will require a lot of self taping and auditioning, so you need to be ready.  When your agent calls to check in and asks, “What did you do during the strike?” believe me,  the last thing they want to hear you say is “Nothing.”